Sunday, February 2, 2014

This is not a foreign exchange blog

I am Alyssia, if you didn't already get that from my url or blog title. I don’t really expect many strangers to find and read this blog and chances are I actually know you so I’ll keep the introduction short and sweet.
Basically, I am graduating high school a year early. Now the plan is to use the year that would be otherwise known as my senior year, to study abroad in Germany. But the plan may become to muddle through college a year earlier than my peers. Anyways, I’ve applied to a government funded scholarship called CBYX (Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange) as well as three partial/full scholarship through a program called YFU (Youth For Understanding). If you couldn’t tell already,scholarships are the only way I will be able to go to Germany next year.
SO! This is not in anyway a blog about my impending foreign exchange because that is not guaranteed BUT it is a blog documenting my journey from trying to graduate a year early to whatever happens after that, which could possibly be going to Germany for a year.

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